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Recent measurements

POST {baseUrl}/v2/recent-datasource-measurements-query

By Device

This query is only by Datasource ID. To query by device or reference site, use the historical measurements report.

Returns a list of measurements in time descending order.


    org: "myorg1234",
    datasourceIds: ["DS123456", "DS987654"],
    outputFrequency: "hour",


parameter description
x-api-key string The API key string.
Accept-Encoding string Encoding options, gzip is supported to compress data.

Note: We strongly recommend including it in the headers to reduce response payload size.

Example: Accept-Encoding: gzip


You must include org on all requests. Provide a list of datasources in datasourceIds, or for all the organization's datasources, pass "allDatasources": true.

body parameter description
org string
Find the organization ID in Clarity Dashboard by clicking on your user profile icon in the upper right, then look in the column Org ID.
Example org ID: "myorgVD43"
datasourceIds array of string A list of modern datasource ids as returned from /v2/datasources.
Only measurements from periods when then datasource was subscribed by the requested org are returned.
allDatasources bool Pass true to retrieve measurements for all datasources in the specified organization for which you have access.
Pass false or omit the parameter if you want to retrict using datasourceIds.

And then add these parameters

additional query parameter description
outputFrequency string The output frequency of the aggregations to return in the measurement.
One of minute (default), hour or day are supported.

Example1: outputFrequency: "minute" returns highest resolution measurements, with no aggregation applied.

Example2: outputFrequency: "hour" returns 1-Hour Mean, 24-Hour Rolling Mean and NowCast aggregations, and AQIs which are calculated on these aggregations as per their standard.

Example3: outputFrequency: "day" returns 24-Hour Mean aggregations, and AQIs which are calculated on these aggregations as per their standard.
startTime string Timestamp of earliest measurement desired. If not specified, 24 hours prior to time of request.

Measurements are returned from a cache of recent measurements that is limited to the last 48 hours. Earlier times are accepted in the parameter, but only data from the cache will be returned.

Example: startTime: "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z"


Column Headers

Automation that processes this response should not assume specifc columns or column ordering. Interpret based on the header row of the response.

The response is like a CSV file: A comma-separated string with an initial header row identifying the columns and with newlines separating the measurements. The set of columns returned depends on the outputFrequency requested.

Identifying Columns (for all output frequencies)

column header description
datasourceId Unique identifier of the datasource. (string)
sourceId Unique identifier of the underlying device or reference site. (string)
sourceType Either CLARITY_NODE or REFERENCE_SITE. (string)
outputFrequency The output frequency; one of minute, hour, or day. (string)

Individual Measurements (outputFrequency=minute)

Metric names in the header

Not yet final
Still to come: A JSON response that is parallel to this tabular response. These metric names will evolve to harmonize between the two kinds of response.

column header description
time The time of the measurement in ISO 8601 format. (string)
atmPressureRawIndividual Atmospheric Pressure Highest Resolution Raw [hPa]
no2ConcCalibratedIndividual NO2 Highest Resolution Concentration Calibrated [ppb]
no2ConcRawIndividual NO2 Highest Resolution Concentration Raw [ppb]
o3ConcRawIndividual O3 Highest Resolution Concentration Raw [ppb]
pm10ConcMassCalibratedIndividual PM10 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassRawIndividual PM10 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm10ConcNumRawIndividual PM10 Highest Resolution Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm1ConcMassCalibratedIndividual PM1 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm1ConcMassRawIndividual PM1 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm1ConcNumRawIndividual PM1 Highest Resolution Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibratedIndividual PM2.5 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassRawIndividual PM2.5 Highest Resolution Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcNumRawIndividual PM2.5 Highest Resolution Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
relHumidAmbientRawIndividual Rel. Humidity Ambient Highest Resolution Raw [%]
relHumidInternalRawIndividual Rel. Humidity Internal Highest Resolution Raw [%]
temperatureAmbientRawIndividual Temperature Ambient Highest Resolution Raw [degC]
temperatureInternalRawIndividual Temperature Internal Highest Resolution Raw [degC]
windDirectionRawIndividual Wind Highest Resolution Direction Raw [deg]
windSpeedRawIndividual Wind Highest Resolution Speed Raw [m/s]

Hour Aggregations (outputFrequency=hour)

Metric names in the header

Not yet final
Still to come: A JSON response that is parallel to this tabular response. These metric names will evolve to harmonize between the two kinds of response.

column header description
startOfPeriod Start of the reported hour in ISO 8601 format. (string)
endOfPeriod End of the reported hour in ISO 8601 format. (string)
atmPressureRaw1HourMean Atmospheric Pressure 1-Hour Mean Raw [hPa]
no2ConcCalibrated1HourMean NO2 1-Hour Mean Concentration Calibrated [ppb]
no2ConcCalibrated1HourMeanUsEpaAqi NO2 1-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Calibrated
no2ConcCalibrated1HourMeanWaDwerAqi NO2 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Calibrated
no2ConcRaw1HourMean NO2 1-Hour Mean Concentration Raw [ppb]
no2ConcRaw1HourMeanUsEpaAqi NO2 1-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Raw
no2ConcRaw1HourMeanWaDwerAqi NO2 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Raw
o3ConcRaw1HourMean O3 1-Hour Mean Concentration Raw [ppb]
o3ConcRaw1HourMeanWaDwerAqi O3 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Raw
pm10ConcMassCalibrated1HourMean PM10 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassCalibrated1HourMeanWaDwerAqi PM10 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Calibrated
pm10ConcMassCalibrated24HourRollingMean PM10 24-Hour Rolling Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassRaw1HourMean PM10 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassRaw1HourMeanWaDwerAqi PM10 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Raw
pm10ConcMassRaw24HourRollingMean PM10 24-Hour Rolling Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm10ConcNumRaw1HourMean PM10 1-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm10ConcNumRaw24HourRollingMean PM10 24-Hour Rolling Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm1ConcMassCalibrated1HourMean PM1 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm1ConcMassRaw1HourMean PM1 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm1ConcNumRaw1HourMean PM1 1-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibrated1HourMean PM2.5 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibrated1HourMeanWaDwerAqi PM2.5 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Calibrated
pm2_5ConcMassCalibrated24HourRollingMean PM2.5 24-Hour Rolling Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibratedNowCast PM2.5 NowCast Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibratedNowCastAqi PM2.5 NowCast AQI (US EPA) Calibrated
pm2_5ConcMassRaw1HourMean PM2.5 1-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassRaw1HourMeanWaDwerAqi PM2.5 1-Hour Mean AQI (WA DWER) Raw
pm2_5ConcMassRaw24HourRollingMean PM2.5 24-Hour Rolling Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassRawNowCast PM2.5 NowCast Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassRawNowCastAqi PM2.5 NowCast AQI (US EPA) Raw
pm2_5ConcNumRaw1HourMean PM2.5 1-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm2_5ConcNumRaw24HourRollingMean PM2.5 24-Hour Rolling Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
relHumidAmbientRaw1HourMean Rel. Humidity Ambient 1-Hour Mean Raw [%]
relHumidInternalRaw1HourMean Rel. Humidity Internal 1-Hour Mean Raw [%]
temperatureAmbientRaw1HourMean Temperature Ambient 1-Hour Mean Raw [degC]
temperatureInternalRaw1HourMean Temperature Internal 1-Hour Mean Raw [degC]
windDirectionRaw1HourMean Wind 1-Hour Mean Direction Raw [deg]
windSpeedRaw1HourMean Wind 1-Hour Mean Speed Raw [m/s]

Day Aggregations (outputFrequency=day)

Metric names in the header

Not yet final
Still to come: A JSON response that is parallel to this tabular response. These metric names will evolve to harmonize between the two kinds of response.

column header description
startOfPeriod Start of the reported day in ISO 8601 format. (string)
endOfPeriod End of the reported day in ISO 8601 format. (string)
atmPressureRaw24HourMean Atmospheric Pressure 24-Hour Mean Raw [hPa]
no2ConcCalibrated24HourMean NO2 24-Hour Mean Concentration Calibrated [ppb]
no2ConcRaw24HourMean NO2 24-Hour Mean Concentration Raw [ppb]
o3ConcRaw24HourMean O3 24-Hour Mean Concentration Raw [ppb]
pm10ConcMassCalibrated24HourMean PM10 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassCalibrated24HourMeanUsEpaAqi PM10 24-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Calibrated
pm10ConcMassRaw24HourMean PM10 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm10ConcMassRaw24HourMeanUsEpaAqi PM10 24-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Raw
pm10ConcNumRaw24HourMean PM10 24-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm1ConcMassCalibrated24HourMean PM1 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm1ConcMassRaw24HourMean PM1 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm1ConcNumRaw24HourMean PM1 24-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibrated24HourMean PM2.5 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Calibrated [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassCalibrated24HourMeanUsEpaAqi PM2.5 24-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Calibrated
pm2_5ConcMassRaw24HourMean PM2.5 24-Hour Mean Mass Concentration Raw [ug/m3]
pm2_5ConcMassRaw24HourMeanUsEpaAqi PM2.5 24-Hour Mean AQI (US EPA) Raw
pm2_5ConcNumRaw24HourMean PM2.5 24-Hour Mean Number Concentration Raw [#/m3]
relHumidAmbientRaw24HourMean Rel. Humidity Ambient 24-Hour Mean Raw [%]
relHumidInternalRaw24HourMean Rel. Humidity Internal 24-Hour Mean Raw [%]
temperatureAmbientRaw24HourMean Temperature Ambient 24-Hour Mean Raw [degC]
temperatureInternalRaw24HourMean Temperature Internal 24-Hour Mean Raw [degC]
windDirectionRaw24HourMean Wind 24-Hour Mean Direction Raw [deg]
windSpeedRaw24HourMean Wind 24-Hour Mean Speed Raw [m/s]

Example Response


Example code

The following sample Python code selects just the columns you want and converts to native Python types.

# simple demo using Clarity Data API

import requests
import os
import csv
import pprint
import datetime

    'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
    'x-api-key': os.environ.get('MY_CLARITY_API_KEY') # put your key in the environment or directly here

def check_can_connect():
    # verify can reach the API
    response = requests.get(BASEURL, HEADERS)
    http_code = response.status_code
    connected = (http_code == 200)
    if connected:
        print('Connected to Clarity')
        print(f'{http_code}  :(  Cannot connect')

def get_recent_measurements(org, datasourceIds, outputFrequency):
    # Fetch measurements from the API
    url = BASEURL + '/v2/recent-datasource-measurements-query'
    request_body = {
        'org': org,
        'datasourceIds': datasourceIds,
        'outputFrequency': outputFrequency
    response =, headers=HEADERS, json=request_body)
    return response.text

def csv_to_typed(csv_data, fields_to_extract):
    # slice specific columns out of the CSV-style response
    # convert each to best Python type
    # return dictionary

    def convert_to_best_type(value):
        # Try these types in order: float, datetime, else string
            return float(value)
        except Exception:
                return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
            except Exception:
                return value

    reader = csv.DictReader(csv_data.splitlines())
    return [{field: convert_to_best_type(row[field]) for field in fields_to_extract} for row in reader]


tabular = get_recent_measurements(

measurements = csv_to_typed(tabular, [
